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Practical SAP Advanced Event Mesh
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Relationship between SAP Integration Suite, Advanced Event Mesh and Solace PubSub+ Cloud (7:52)
Setup Solace PubSub+ Cloud free trial to hands-on learn SAP Advanced Event Mesh (12:21)
Try Me! - Create your first queue + Publish message to queue + Consume message from queue (12:43)
Try Me! - Create two queues + Queue subscribe to topic + Publish to topic + Consume from queue (19:19)
Advanced Event Mesh Adapter - Queue & Topic Fundamental
How to import and deploy Advanced Event Mesh Adapter for SAP Integration Suite? (4:08)
Publish message to queue using AEM receiver adapter + Dynamic set queue name (16:28)
Publish message to topic using AEM receiver adapter + Dynamic set topic name (11:34)
Consume message from Queue using AEM sender adapter (12:59)
Consume message from Topic using AEM sender adapter (11:18)
Advanced Event Mesh Adapter - Retry Mechanism
Acknowledgment Mode - "Automatic Immediate" + How it works when exception occurred? (9:29)
How to do Retry processing with Exponential Backoff + Max Retry + Retry Interval + How it works? (8:28)
How to Retry forever keep message in queue till success + Ack. Mode "Automatic On Exchange Complete" (13:33)
How to change Retry forever to Retry up to maximum redelivery count configured in queue (8:29)
Advanced Event Mesh Adapter - Parallel Processing
Different between Exclusive Queue and Non-Exclusive Queue + Parallel Consumers (22:17)
Test Run Scenario = Bulk messages + Parallel Consumers + Intermittent Error + Retry till Success (10:39)
Time-To-Live (TTL) Handling
What and Why of Time-To-Live (TTL)? Example use-case (7:16)
How long will message live in queue? How to set Max-TTL in queue? What happen after message expiry? (5:37)
How to dynamic set different TTL per message? What if both queue Max-TTL and message-TTL are set? (19:31)
Dead-Message-Queue (DMQ) Handling
How to move message to DMQ after message expiry? How to make message eligible for DMQ? (7:32)
How to move message to DMQ after max retries? Set IsDMQEligible in AEM receiver adapter (14:11)
Other Basic Lessons
How wildcard characters work in topic subscriptions? (24:04)
REST Messaging API
How REST client send one-way REST message to topic & queue in event broker? (16:30)
How event broker send one-way REST message from queue to REST API using REST Delivery Point (RDP)? (19:56)
How is the retry mechanism of REST Delivery Point(RDP) to REST consumer? + How to handle error case? (11:32)
How to synchronous REST client request-reply to event broker to REST API + Return response to REST client? (18:53)
How to asynchronous REST client async-reply to event broker to REST API + Return response to reply queue? (15:40)
AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) Adapter
Publish message to queue and topic using AMQP receiver adapter (15:17)
Consume message from queue using AMQP sender adapter (11:24)
How is the retry mechanism when both AMQP sender adapter and AEM broker also do retry when error? (25:49)
How to prevent continuous retry by parking messsage & wait using intermediate queue with Delivery Delay? (19:16)
How to prevent infinite retry using custom RetryCount header when JMSXDeliveryCount not working? (9:58)
How to use JMSToolBox to easily browse and view the message's content in queue but still keep them in queue? (18:45)
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