"One-time purchase with long-term gain"

Bundle of courses:

1) Practical SAP Cloud Integration
2) Practical SAP API Management
3) Practical SAP Advanced Event Mesh


Practical Examples!

From Beginner to


Do you feel the need to upskill gain more experience in SAP Cloud Integration?

Want to get started in SAP Cloud Integration but don’t have direction?

Feeling frustrated spending lots effort and time to develop interface?

Confused with when to use what techniques, patterns to design iflow?

Need to improve on Message Mapping and Groovy Mapping skillset?

Not sure which adapter to use and how to use specific adapter?

Feeling pain in support, operation, monitoring, error troubleshooting?

Or want to acquire in-demand marketable SAP integration skills to get things done + grow your career worth?

✔️Come from SAP PI/PO background, worry outdated PI/PO and need to upskill to CPI?

✔️Pretty good at SAP CI/CPI but with growth mindset want to keep learning?

✔️Want to improve if any other better or easier ways to build stuff even yours way work?

✔️Want do self-reflection in learning, check your expert blind spots?

✔️Curious to see how others think from different perspective to design and build stuff?

If a SAP career is worth spending many years pursuing, then this article is worth a few minutes of your time to read carefully!

Dear SAP Aspirant / Enthusiast / Consultant,

If you're reading this, chances are you're showing some interest in this skill set (SAP CI/CPI, SAP Integration Suite) or are already familiar with it. Perhaps you're navigating a career track in SAP integration with a few years of experience or already possess expertise in the field. Regardless of your expertise level, you might have the following doubt:

"How are the future career growth opportunities for SAP Integration Suite and Cloud Integration?"

See for yourself the interest over time based on keyword searches from Google Trends. The upward trend say it all:

cloud integration

api integration

sap integration suite


Hello All, I'm Yee Loon, from Malaysia.

You can just call me Yee.

I'm a SAP CI/CPI Integration consultant that been working on SAP Integration technology since 2007 SAP PI era. Like most SAP integration consultant, I do SAP integration implementation and support projects for clients or customers.

Only 2 differences are..

(1.) Over the years, I had done quite a number, over 25+ SAP CPI projects and 16+ SAP PI/PO projects.

(2.) I took the effort, summarize my years of SAP real-world integration project experiences into beginner-friendly, thoughtfully designed and prepared SAP CI/CPI concepts and course content that benefit learner.

There is a reliable step-by-step learning strategy to help you to quickly acquire skillset

(especially suitable for SAP Aspirant / Enthusiast / Consultant)

Once you learn it, you will have the opportunity to quickly gain lots of practical experiences in SAP Cloud Integration. This strategy can allow you to quickly develop your skillset in SAP Cloud Integration and make it possible for you to grow your career worth.

Knowledge is CHEAP; A way to transform knowledge to experience is GOLD.

For efficient and effective learning on SAP Integration (or any others topic) for practical work purpose, you need:

A way to transform knowledge to experience!

✔️To secure a job, pass an interview, salary increment or job promotion, you need to prove your worth.

✔️To increase your own career-worth you need to be someone highly-skilled.

✔️To be someone highly-skilled, you need to upskill if not there yet.

✔️To upskill you need valuable course content or learning material.

✔️To upskill effectively, you need a way to transform knowledge/lesson to experience!

Ask yourself...

1) Don't you want to be someone highly-skilled, having sense of achievement and feel good?

2) Don't you want to have more advantage in securing job in nowsdays fierce competition job market?

3) Don't you want to have more leverage when negotiate your next salary increment or promotion?

4) Don't you want get things done faster and easier, leave office on-time and do the activities you loved?

5) Don't you want to earn more, equip yourself with SAP integration skill, higher chance to switch to better job?

6) Don't you want to have positive change, let the future you thank you for the decision you made today?

After years of SAP integration projects experiences, I had summarized complex SAP CI/CPI concepts & know-how into lessons that easy to understand and follow, enable you to learn those important lessons quicker!


You no need to have relevant college degree. In fact, in college not really teach SAP Integration, what you need is determination and willingness to learn.


You no need to be super talented. These are knowledge and skill that can be learned, all you need is consistent hands-on practice to learn how to apply these skill.


You no need to have programming background. Interface can be built without touching programming at all. If you want to learn Groovy programming, there are step-by-step lessons in this course too. You will not be afraid of programming after follow along those Groovy programming lessons.


You not restricted by your current career or indutry. In contrast, SAP Integration can be used in any industry, since the main tasks is to build bridge, connect each others.


You not restricted by location. There are enterprise companies all around the world who use SAP and using SAP Integration Suite. By the nature of integrating A and B from different part of the World, in fact, the chance of remote-work / WFH job is high for SAP integration career track!

This upgraded 3.0 course will serve as guided way for you to systematically learn SAP CI + SAP APIM + SAP AEM effectively via hands-on to turn knowledge to experience.

I will show you the way, explaining the what, why and how, so that you know how to do stuff and will have lesser confusion. (Having confusion is good, mean you are learning new things). Help you minimize the unnecessary mistakes (you still will make mistake as human-being, but lesser). Be more productive and efficient in SAP CI/CPI, free up more time and spend the free time with you loved one.

However, I have actually been in the situation you are in now, or worse. I still recall in early year have a lot of doubt and confusion on various concepts in SAP integration world. Therefore, I began to continuously study and research, learn from senior/mentor on tech skills and mindset, learn from practice, learn from mistakes, learn from my past 25+ CPI/HCI projects and 16+ PI/PO projects.

As time went by, a set of effective methods was finally summarized through practice, that enable me to keep reusing and save time and effort, getting things done and confidence to tackle various challenges in SAP CI/CPI.

Now I will share them to you.

Let me use the course's content to do the talking.

Enroll the course now, below are what you will get,

for SAP Cloud Integration capability alone :

62+ total hours

198 lessons

37 sections

Getting Started (1.6 hrs / 7 lessons)

Basic Transformation - Content Modifier (1 hrs / 6 lessons)

Basic Adapter - HTTP (2 hrs / 6 lessons)

Basic Routing - Router (0.5 hrs / 2 lessons)

Basic Transformation - Converter (1.6 hrs / 4 lessons)

Basic Adapter - SOAP (1.4 hrs / 4 lessons)

Basic Adapter - OData (3.1 hrs / 4 lessons)

Basic Routing - General Splitter and Iterating Splitter (1.6 hrs / 5 lessons)

Basic Routing - Multicast (1.3 hrs / 4 lessons)

Basic Groovy Mapping - Tool and Environment Setup (1.5 hrs / 5 lessons)

Basic Groovy Mapping - Groovy Fundamentals (Step-by-Step) (5 hrs / 10 lessons)

Basic Groovy Mapping - Working on XML and JSON (3.6 hrs / 6 lessons)

Basic Groovy Mapping - Mapping Template (1.5 hrs / 8 lessons)

Basic Message Mapping - Fundamentals (Step-by-Step) (3.4 hrs / 11 lessons)

Basic Message Mapping - Context Handling and Node Functions (2.2 hrs / 9 lessons)

Basic Message Mapping - Custom Functions and UDF (1.8 hrs / 8 lessons)

Basic Message Mapping - Mapping Pattern (1.4 hrs / 6 lessons)

Intermediate Adapter - SFTP (2.7 hrs / 11 lessons)

Intermediate Transformation - Base64 Encoder/Decoder (0.9 hrs / 3 lessons)

Intermediate Topic - Zip Handling (0.9 hrs / 4 lessons)

Basic Topic - Looping and Paging (1.4 hrs / 3 lessons)

Intermediate Topic - Exception Handling (2.2 hrs / 4 lessons)

Intermediate Transformation - Content Enricher (1.8 hrs / 7 lessons)

Intermediate Topic - OpenPGP Encryption and Signing (1.6 hrs / 9 lessons)

Intermediate Topic - Persistence - Variable (1.4 hrs / 3 lessons)

Intermediate Topic - Persistence - Data Store (1.8 hrs / 5 lessons)

Intermediate Adapter - JDBC (Database) (1.9 hrs / 11 lessons)

Intermediate Adapter - JDBC (SAP HANA Cloud Database) (1 hrs / 4 lessons)

Intermediate Topic - Setup ABAP Platform Trial (0.4 hrs / 1 lessons)

Intermediate Adapter - RFC (0.8 hrs / 3 lessons)

Intermediate Adapter - IDOC (0.9 hrs / 2 lessons)

Intermediate Adapter - JMS (1.5 hrs / 3 lessons)

Intermediate Topic - Attachment Handling (0.8 hrs / 3 lessons)

Intermediate Adapter - Mail (1.2 hrs / 4 lessons)

Intermediate Adapter - Azure Blob Storage (2.8 hrs / 7 lessons)

Intermediate Topic - File Upload Multipart/Form-Data (0.9 hrs / 3 lessons)

Intermediate Groovy Mapping - Sorting (1.1 hrs / 3 lessons)

SAP CI / SAP CPI Fundamentals (value US$800)

Practical fundamental lessons that quickly let you graspe the essential knowlege/know-how ofSAP CI / SAP CPI, and turn them into experience!

Cover from initial setup of trial tenant, fundamental transformation, routing and connectivity/adapter, with me sharing my experience on those essential tools, tips, and effective + efficient ways that I inpractical use in real-world projects.

All the basics you need to know are in there.

Whether you are a newbie who just started, or someone with few years experience, all can learn fundamental lesson, lay a solid foundation for more intermediate/advanced topic.

In-Depth Groovy Mapping + Template (value US$700)

Step-by-step hands-on guided example. Let you be confident with Groovy, acquire high-value Groovy mapping programming skills that increase your career-worth!

Start from basic groovy programing language, code with me step-by-step, guide you the thinking process while coding, working on XML, JSON and CSV parsing, creating and modify. Provide you with reusuable Groovy mapping template with common format (JSON, XML, CSV) that will cover majority of groovy mapping need.

You gain access to

Once you master the Groovy fundamental, XML/JSON/CSV read, write and modify, this will let you acquire Groovy under your belt, able to handle tricky challenge that can be done using Groovy mapping or script.

You will be much more confident in your next project need use Groovy. In coming interview will be more confident when answer questions related to Groovy mapping.

In-Depth Message Mapping + Pattern (value US$500)

Can do one-to-one mapping but struggle with complex message mapping? Confuse with queue,context and node functions? How to do UDF?

You will learn graphical message mapping, start with simple row-to-row mapping, then shift toward to learn those tricky queue concept, context handling, context change, suppress. You will learn those concept with simple rules easy to follow and examples easy to understand. Guide you how to use each node fuunctions (how to do, what to avoid) with hands-on example.

There are lessons on UDF creation too and use in message mapping to fulfil complex mapping requirement.

You will be more confident on complex graphical message mapping

More productivities, Less Frustration.

Intermediate/Advanced Topics (value US$700)

Intermediate/advance topic that set you apart from beginner level!

Beside fundamental, there are intermediate topics such as OpenPGP encryption/decryption, Base64Encode/Decode, Filter, Content Enricher, Aggregator, Exception handling, Persistence on Variable and Data Store, Zip Handling, Attachment Handling, ABAP platform trial setup and so on..

Upgrade your skillset with these intermediate/advanced topics.

Higher skillset = Higher chance in your career/interview/salary negotiation

Adapters Pack (value US$700)

Don't know how to work on some adapter type?

Adapters for connectivities. Will cover adapter type like HTTP, SOAP, OData, SFTP, JDBC (Generic DB + SAP HANA Cloud DB), RFC, IDOC, JMS, Mail, Azure Blob Storage and other adapter type as needed. If you found some adapter type not in this course, can suggest to me via LinkedIn message, and I will consider adding them.

All these adapters are behave differently, each have thier own way of handling things. But once you experienced them, these adapters know-how will become part of you skillset, able to use them in different scenario.

Every time a new adapter type you had hands-on experienced, you acquired them! No-one can take that experience away from you.

You will also get learning content on

SAP API Management capability:

(value US$500)

Getting Started

Setup API Management in Integration Suite trial tenant

Understand API proxy

Build your first API proxy for target API using direct URL

Build API proxy for REST API from API provider

Understand API proxy flows

Add your first policy to API proxy

How to test your API using API Test Console (alternative to Postman)

Publish API

How to Publish API from SAP Cloud Integration with API key authentication

How to publish API from S4HANA Cloud or SAP Gateway with API key authentication

... and other systems as necessary ...

Basic Policy

Verify API Key + Add multiple API products & API keys + Regenerate API key

Assign Message + How to set headers + query parameters + body

Assign Message + How to remove all or specific headers + query parameters + body

Assign Message + How to assign variable with constant value + ref another variable + template

Basic Authentication + Set username & password before call target API

Key Value Map Operations + Get value by key + Assign to variable + Encrypted value

... and more basic policies ...

Intermediate Policy

Spike Arrest + Rate limit by different apikey or client

Quota + Static rate limit + Dynamic rate limit from API product + By apikey

Reset Quota + How to reset quata using condition string + By apikey

XSL Transform + Upload XSL + Transform to variable and body

Mediation - Extract Variables + from XML object + XML array

Mediation - Extract Variables + from JSON object + JSON array

Mediation - XML to JSON + Various Options

Mediation - JSON to XML + Various Options

Extension - Service Callout + Call static & dynamic API + Call API proxy + Extract Variables

Security - OAuth v2.0 + GenerateAccessToken with client_credentials + VerifyAccessToken

✅Access Control + Allow or deny access by IP or IP range + SAP CI IP whitelisting

... and more intermediate policies ...

Intermediate Topic

Policy Template - Create and apply policy template to speed up API proxy configuration

Policy Template - Import policy template + Apply Javascript "URL masking" policy template

Streaming - How to handle large payload using Request Streaming and Response Streaming?

Others APIM Topics

... and other APIM topics as necessary ...

You will also get learning content on

SAP Advanced Event Mesh capability:

(value US$500)

Getting Started

Relationship between SAP Integration Suite, Advanced Event Mesh and Solace PubSub+ Cloud

Setup Solace PubSub+ Cloud free trial to hands-on learn SAP Advanced Event Mesh

Try Me! - Create your first queue + Publish message to queue + Consume message from queue

Try Me! - Create two queues + Queue subscribe to topic + Publish to topic + Consume from queue

Advanced Event Mesh Adapter - Queue & Topic Fundamental

How to import and deploy Advanced Event Mesh Adapter for SAP Integration Suite?

Publish message to queue using AEM receiver adapter + Dynamic set queue name

Publish message to topic using AEM receiver adapter + Dynamic set topic name

Consume message from Queue using AEM sender adapter

Consume message from Topic using AEM sender adapter

Advanced Event Mesh Adapter - Retry Mechanism

Acknowledgment Mode - "Automatic Immediate" + How it works when exception occurred?

How to do Retry processing with Exponential Backoff + Max Retry + Retry Interval + How it works?

How to Retry forever keep message in queue till success + Ack. Mode "Automatic On Exchange Complete"

How to change Retry forever to Retry up to maximum redelivery count configured in queue

Advanced Event Mesh Adapter - Parallel Processing

Different between Exclusive Queue and Non-Exclusive Queue + Parallel Consumers

Test Run Scenario = Bulk messages + Parallel Consumers + Intermittent Error + Retry till Success

Time-To-Live (TTL) Handling

What and Why of Time-To-Live (TTL)? Example use-case

How long will message live in queue? How to set Max-TTL in queue? What happen after message expiry?

How to dynamic set different TTL per message? What if both queue Max-TTL and message-TTL are set?

Dead-Message-Queue (DMQ) Handling

How to move message to DMQ after message expiry? How to make message eligible for DMQ?

How to move message to DMQ after max retries? Set IsDMQEligible in AEM receiver adapter

Other Basic Lessons

How wildcard characters work in topic subscriptions?

REST Messaging API

How REST client send one-way REST message to topic & queue in event broker?

How event broker send one-way REST message from queue to REST API using REST Delivery Point (RDP)?

How is the retry mechanism of REST Delivery Point(RDP) to REST consumer? + How to handle error case?

How to synchronous REST client request-reply to event broker to REST API + Return response to REST client?

How to asynchronous REST client async-reply to event broker to REST API + Return response to reply queue?

AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) Adapter

Publish message to queue and topic using AMQP receiver adapter

Consume message from queue using AMQP sender adapter

How is the retry mechanism when both AMQP sender adapter and AEM broker also do retry when error?

How to prevent continuous retry by parking messsage & wait using intermediate queue with Delivery Delay?

How to prevent infinite retry using custom RetryCount header when JMSXDeliveryCount not working?

How to use JMSToolBox to easily browse and view the message's content in queue but still keep them in queue?

Others AEM Sections & Lessons

... and other sections & lessons will be available as when they're released)

"Price is what you pay. Value is what you get."

Bundle of courses:

1) Practical SAP Cloud Integration
2) Practical SAP API Management
3) Practical SAP Advanced Event Mesh


( click below arrow to expand all & view some free preview lessons )

  Getting Started
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Basic Transformation - Content Modifier
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Basic Adapter - HTTP
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Basic Routing - Router
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Basic Transformation - Converter
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Basic Adapter - SOAP
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Basic Adapter - OData
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Basic Routing - General Splitter and Iterating Splitter
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Basic Routing - Multicast
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Basic Groovy Mapping - Tool and Environment Setup
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Basic Groovy Mapping - Groovy Fundamentals (Step-by-Step)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Basic Groovy Mapping - Working on XML and JSON
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Basic Groovy Mapping - Mapping Template
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Basic Message Mapping - Fundamentals (Step-by-Step)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Basic Message Mapping - Context Handling and Node Functions
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Basic Message Mapping - Custom Functions and UDF
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Basic Message Mapping - Mapping Pattern
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Basic Topic - Looping and Paging
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Intermediate Adapter - SFTP
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Intermediate Transformation - Base64 Encoder/Decoder
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Intermediate Topic - Zip Handling
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Intermediate Topic - Exception Handling
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Intermediate Transformation - Content Enricher
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Intermediate Topic - OpenPGP Encryption and Signing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Intermediate Topic - Persistence - Variable
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Intermediate Topic - Persistence - Data Store
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Intermediate Adapter - JDBC (Database)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Intermediate Adapter - JDBC (SAP HANA Cloud Database)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Intermediate Topic - Setup ABAP Platform Trial (for RFC and IDOC)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Intermediate Adapter - RFC
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Intermediate Adapter - IDOC
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Intermediate Adapter - JMS
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Intermediate Topic - Attachment Handling
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Intermediate Adapter - Mail
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Intermediate Adapter - Azure Blob Storage
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Intermediate Topic - File Upload Multipart/Form-Data
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Intermediate Groovy Mapping - Sorting XML and JSON
Available in days
days after you enroll
  (In Planning) Other Sections
Available in days
days after you enroll

Note⚠️The content of the course is constantly being updated.

After more content added, the price will increase without advance notice.

If you enroll now, all future update to this course bundle is zero-cost ($0).

Below are all the VALUES you will get:

77+ total hours

259 lessons

51 sections

SAP CI / SAP CPI Fundamentals ............ (value US$800)

In-Depth Groovy Mapping + Template ... (value US$700)

In-Depth Message Mapping + Pattern .... (value US$500)

Intermediate/Advanced Topics ............... (value US$700)

Adapters Pack .......................................... (value US$700)

SAP API Management Course ................. (value US$500)

SAP Advanced Event Mesh Course ........ (value US$900)

Total Value : US$4800++

One more thing...


Course's Community Forum ........ (value $$ PRICELESS)

You will have access to course's member-only community forum.

This is a virtual platform for like-minded enrolled students to come together virtually.

Eventhough the course is designed to be self-paced learning.

You're not alone in the learning journey.

In this forum, you can ..

✔️ Ask questions to clear some doubts.

✔️ Start new topic or participate in discussions.

✔️ Supporting each other while learning SAP Integration Suite.

✔️Interact with others students (including Yee) for constructive discussion.

✔️ Async communication in topic discussions that suit your own time, across different timezone and location.

✔️ Respectful user preference forum notifications.

(this forum site just recently launched since 28-Sep-2024)

"Price is what you pay. Value is what you get."

Bundle of courses:

1) Practical SAP Cloud Integration
2) Practical SAP API Management
3) Practical SAP Advanced Event Mesh

Testimonials from Students enrolled this Course:

Thanks You!

Supporting Words/Reviews from Students:

Thanks You!

Hi, I'm Yee Loon

SAP Integration Specialist that help you learn SAP CI/CPI easier and faster

Yee Loon has more than 15+ years experience in SAP Integration Platforms, engaged contract work with various Companies like SAP HQ(Walldorf), HCL, Accenture, Deloitte, PwC, IBM, Guinness Anchor, Renesas, Transport for London, Rizing, Weir Minerals, TetraPak, Fonterra, OSRAM and others Clients since 2007.

Had done 16+ SAP PI/PO, and 25+ SAP CPI projects ranging from design, development, implementation, maintenance & support of integration projects.

Over the years, I had come across different challenges and solutions in SAP CI/CPI integration projects experiences, will summarize my years of SAP real-world integration project experiences into beginner-friendly, thoughtfully designed and prepared SAP CI/CPI concepts and course content, so that you can learn SAP CI/CPI step-by-step, efficiently and effectively.

Will show you with practical examples that easily understand and can apply in actual projects, bring values to your skillset and career growth!

Contact Me

If you got some questions, can reach out to me in LinkedIn or email. I can help answer questions, queries or some doubt you might have, then you decide for yourself if this course suit you.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yeeloonkhoo ( Follow me on LinkedIn )

Course Email: [email protected]

Personal Email: [email protected]


Q: Is the price really one-time purchase price only? or is it subscription-based have to pay again in the future?

Rest assured this course indeed is one-time purchase price only. You no need to pay again when new content added in the future. I as learner also hate course that is subscription-based need keep pay renewal fee to gain access (and become long-term commitment or wasted when some months yo're idle or forced to stop renewal when already spend too much money for renewal). So this course is one-time payment only, best-deal in the long run, and not subscription-based. One-time purchase + Long-term gain = High ROI

Q: Is there a fixed time to attend course lessons? Will the course access expiry?

This course is self-pace e-learning course. It has no set class times and is a lifetime access of this course product.
So not only can you choose a time that suits you, but you can also watch the content permanently, anytime and anywhere, as many time as you want.

Plus, I will continue to update relevant content, which means that you can grow together with this course.

Q: How this course content is designed and structured? Is it good for my learning?

This course is designed with practicality in mind, mean the course sections and lectures examples can be used as reusable pattern to apply in real-world SAP CPI projects development needs.

I designed this course content based on my past 25+ SAP CPI projects experiences, with aim that once mastered course lesson, believed able to cover majority of the SAP CPI project development fundamental need.

This course is structured from simple topic to more intermediate/advance topic. You can jump straight to the topic you interested.

Q: What is the different between old 1.0 Udemy course and this new 2.0/3.0 Teachable course?

All lessons, content and videos in this 2.0/3.0 course are newly designed and newly created. It contains more sections and more in-depth lessons especially on graphical mapping, groovy mapping, mapping template, other iflow template that help you tackle problem using pattern. New intermediate adapters and topic added as well. These new contents are also created based on gathered feedback, suggestion and survey response from SAP Integration community.

Q: Will you keep updating old 1.0 course in Udemy marketplace?

Sadly no. This is my thoughtful decision I made to focus effort in this new 2.0 course only to create quality content, and Teachable will be my long term platform to continue add more useful content. Students who enroll in this Teachable platform, will be granted access to all future new lessons(mean no need pay again) in SAP CI capability. After other SAP Integration Suite capabilities sub-courses added become version 3.0.

Q: Can I hands-on try by myself to develop examples in this course?

Yes! All examples in this course is newly designed and build in my personal SAP Integration Suite trial tenant and using free/community software e.g. Postman, SoapUI and IntelliJ community version. I will show you step-by-step how to do those example in lessons.

Q: What can I download from this SAP CI course?

You will have access to all text notes, groovy script files and sample request payloads used in this course and able to download them.

These downloadable content ease your hands-on, can copy paste while developing in stead of write them manually.

Some Groovy mapping template, UDF scripts, some package and iflows that help in learning also can download and import to SAP CI.

Q: What can I gain after completing this SAP CI course?

After complete this course, go through hands-on example and understand the usage of various fundamental SAP CPI building block steps and concept, believed able to apply in real-world SAP cloud integration project development fundamental need, confident to tackle challenge in SAP Cloud Integration!

Q: Does this course guarantee my success?

No promises and no guarantees.

If you have this idea, please realize: No one can guarantee you this. Whoever can guarantee your success is liar.

It is you who will spend the effort and time to learn and practice, understand the usage, then become part of your skillset. This depends on you, not the teacher, nor this course. Success is your own responsibility. If you think you can easily achieve success by simply watching some videos, this course is not suitable for you.

Q: Who not suitable for this course?

If you just want to gain but are unwilling to put in the equivalent effort, or if you don't have enough action and determination to implement this, I would suggest that you don't sign up for the time being.

Only if you are willing to change for better, willing to put in effort to really upskill in SAP integration career track, this course will able to help you. Never set limits on yourself, you can achieve much more than you think.

Q: Is it I able to immediately access to the course lessons after enroll made payment?

Yes! Immediately access to the course, view any lessons ready available. (Please note that those section showing In Planning or with title "Lorem Ipsum.." are in planning, not ready available yet and subject to change when design the best value course content)

Q: I want to enroll learn but still feel the price is too high for me, what should I do?

Be resourceful! Some sugestion, pick your option(s):

a) Do nothing, stay the same.
If you also don't want invest in yourself, who else do you expect will invest in you?

b) Research other similar courses in the market. (You might surprise some other courses while already charge very high price, and some even still required you to pay yearly).

c) Research other cheaper courses. (There always someone can do it cheaper).

d) Spend precious time hunt for free scattered youtube video.

e) Think of long term ROI/positive changes will bring, in stead of short term one-time price.

f) Think of the hidden cost of not upskilling.

g) Consider the fact this course is 100% money back guaranteed within 14 days of purchase, if you are not satisfied with this course.

h) Reach out to Yee for further doubt/question you might have.

i) Take the leap of faith! Trust your instincts!

Q: Will I get receipt/invoice for my course purchase?

Yes, you will automatically receive an initial purchase receipt via email.

Q: Is it possible to get a refund after purchasing the course?

If you are not satisfied, you can request for refund within 14 days of purchase without any risk!

Which type of person are you?

1) Clever people crack challenge with their own brain.

2) Smart people leverage and tap into others' intelligence (brain).

3) Wise individuals integrate their own intellect(own brain) with other's brain.

4) Only confused people exhaust their own mental resources, taxing their brain unnecessary!

How much would you invest in yourself?

... for all the values + benefits you can gain above.
... for quality course content that students testimonials recommended.
... for a SAP profession that could earn few hundred EUR per day.
... for SAP integration skillset that remote work friendly + in growing trend.

and ultimately...
for your own career-worth and accomplishment!

Do you now feel ready for some learning?

There is no "perfect timing." The right time is NOW!

Good products can stand the test of the market.

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Take action now, makes a difference!

( or do nothing stay the same... )

Bundle of courses:

1) Practical SAP Cloud Integration
2) Practical SAP API Management
3) Practical SAP Advanced Event Mesh